Masonry Facades

Tikkurila offers a range of colours suitable for painting masonry facades. Browse our full collection here.

64 Colours
Tvt Q102
Tvt Q103
Tvt Q104
Tvt Q107
Tvt Q112
Tvt Q114
Tvt Q118
Tvt Q119
Tvt Q120
Tvt Q121
Tvt Q125
Tvt Q126
Tvt Q127
Tvt Q142
Tvt Q143
Tvt Q144
Tvt Q154
Tvt Q155
Tvt Q156
Tvt Q157
Tvt Q169
Tvt Q186
Tvt Q187
Tvt Q189
Tvt Q302
Tvt Q303
Tvt Q307
Tvt Q309
Tvt Q311
Tvt Q327
Tvt Q341
Tvt Q371
Tvt Q433
Tvt Q434
Tvt Q511
Tvt Q557
Tvt Q558
Tvt Q580
Tvt Q587
Tvt Q606
Tvt Q607
Tvt Q608
Tvt Q609
Tvt Q625
Tvt Q636
Tvt Q637
Tvt Q639
Tvt Q640
Tvt Q642
Tvt Q643
Tvt Q673
Tvt Q674
Tvt Q675
Tvt Q800
Tvt Q801
Tvt Q802
Tvt Q803
Tvt Q844
Tvt Q848
Tvt Q849
Tvt Q850
Tvt Q851
Tvt Q852
Tvt Q853
Paint Calculator

How much paint do I need? 

Use this calculator to work out your requirements, if you have any question please get in touch with one of our team who will be more than willing to help you.

Wall 1
Tell us about your paint choices

Disclaimer: Tikkurila UK Paint Calculator is provided as a guide only. The coverage rates will vary depending on surface being coated and the particular product range being used. More information on these products can be found on the cans, on the technical data sheets on individual product pages, by using our live chat service or by calling our technical team on 0131 334 4999.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the estimate, however paint requirements may vary depending on the surface, type of paint, sheen level and colour chosen.